Latest news and research outcomes


Nov 1, 2022 | Organisation Champions

3Bridges is a not for profit organisation providing services and programs that offer support to the most vulnerable regardless of age, location, disability or ethnicity. Servicing Sydney and surrounding areas, our social outcomes focus on community connection, inclusive disability support, early intervention programs for new mums and local youth, reframing aged care services, and walking alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We offer many programs and support services:

Aged Care Services: Social programs for improved wellbeing of older people, enabling purposeful connections and engagement in the community; Supporting older people to live well at home by the provision of customised and flexible help at home services including exercise, strength and nursing services, home modification and maintenance, dementia programs, and in home assistance.

Disability Services: Focusing our efforts towards achieving increased independence; Continue to grow our specialist disability service that enriches individual lives, enhancing inclusion and community participation; Building awareness and creating trust for people living with a disability, providing a safe environment to seek assistance.

Youth & Community Programs:

  • Early Years Support Services: is a vital early intervention program for expectant mothers and mothers with new babies living in South East Sydney. These mothers are vulnerable due to isolation from family or friends, history of domestic violence, multiple births, mental health concerns, families from a culturally diverse background or where there is disability in the family.
  • Youth Services: creates space for young people to connect on a variety of levels, including targeted school programs, youth drop in, indigenous learning programs, and the youth advisory committee.
  • Community Events: sharing opportunities for the community to connect, provide a broader understanding around critical services, and open a dialogue of support.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services: these services are ingrained in all we do, the programs we create, the teams that deliver specialised support and our overall values as an organisation.