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Category: Blog
COTA Queensland

COTA Queensland

Council on the Ageing (COTA) Queensland is a state-wide not for profit organisation advancing the rights, interests and futures of people as we age. For over 60 years COTA Queensland has worked with older people to influence decision making and create positive social...

Eyes as a potential window to Alzheimer’s Disease

Eyes as a potential window to Alzheimer’s Disease

Australian scientists have used specialised eye scanning technology to detect changes in the retina that could be indicative of early Alzheimer’s Disease.Lost Opportunities for Early Intervention The presence of clumps of beta-amyloid protein in the brain is an...

Delaying Dementia Before We Can See It

Delaying Dementia Before We Can See It

The highest likelihood for successful treatment of dementia may be in the early or preclinical stages of the condition, when an individual does not show any symptoms but has beta-amyloid, or toxic protein clumps in the brain thought to cause dementia.  Determining the...

Meaningful Ageing

Meaningful Ageing

Meaningful Ageing Australia is a registered charity and the national peak body for championing the spiritual care and emotional wellbeing of older people receiving care in residential and community aged care settings. Spiritual care ensures that each older person’s...

Interview with Simon Denegri OBE

Interview with Simon Denegri OBE

Simon Denegri OBE is the Executive Director of the Academy of Medical Sciences and the former National Director for Patients, Carers and the Public in Research at the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Simon talks about why we need initiatives such as Join...

Maroba Caring Communities

Maroba Caring Communities

Maroba is an award winning aged care provider that has been spreading the love for over 65 years. We offer residential care that includes two dementia suburbs, retirement living and community services, and are dedicated to enhancing lifestyles while creating...

Supporting People with Dementia in their Decision-Making

Supporting People with Dementia in their Decision-Making

Making decisions about our lives and having these respected is an essential human right; and whilst this can sometimes be more difficult when a person has dementia, there are many things that can be done to help. Researchers at the universities of Western Australia...

Vitamin B Supplements show no obvious benefit to brain health

Vitamin B Supplements show no obvious benefit to brain health

The B vitamins are often linked to brain health. They help to break down an amino acid in our blood called homocysteine, which contributes to cell ageing and to the build-up of amyloid and tau proteins in the brain associated with greater dementia risk. We know a rare...

Newsletter September 2019

Newsletter September 2019

Please click the link below to read the newsletter: If you would like to receive the StepUp newsletter, please sign up via here.

Global Centre for Modern Ageing

Global Centre for Modern Ageing

About the Global Centre for Modern Ageing By 2031, an estimated 6 million Australians will be aged 65 and over. But, while we’re living longer, we’re not necessarily living better. The Global Centre for Modern Ageing®, led by CEO Julianne Parkinson, is focused on what...