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Category: Blog
Redefining Behaviour and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia

Redefining Behaviour and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia

Dementia describes a collection of symptoms caused by disorders affecting the brain. In addition to the more familiar cognitive symptoms such as memory loss and language difficulties, dementia can also encompass non-cognitive symptoms such as agitation, anxiety,...

Fitting Medical Research into Advance Care Planning

Fitting Medical Research into Advance Care Planning

How many of you have spoken with your loved ones about what type of care you would like to receive if you became seriously ill or injured or unable to say what you want? Advance care planning involves arranging with friends and family about what care you would like to...

Newsletter April 2023

Newsletter April 2023

Please click the link below to read the newsletter: If you would like to receive the StepUp newsletter, please sign up via here.

Good Neighbours Could Mitigate the Negative Impact of Living Alone

Quality of Life Measures Available for Use in Aged Care

How do we measure an individual persons’ quality of life? Two new consumer experience and quality of life assessment tools, designed to improve standards and transparency in aged care, are to be rolled out nationally this year. A team of researchers at Flinders...

Holdsworth Community

Holdsworth Community

Holdsworth Community supports children and adults living with intellectual disabilities; families with young children; older people who may be frail, ill, lacking mobility, experiencing social isolation or living with dementia; and their families and care givers...

South Eastern Community Connect

South Eastern Community Connect

South Eastern Community Connect (SECC) is a non-profit community organisation with 45 years’ experience providing a range of services, programs, information and advocacy to people with disability, children, older people and the wider community in the Bayside (Botany),...

Newsletter April 2023

Newsletter Dec 2022

Please click the link below to read the newsletter: If you would like to receive the StepUp newsletter, please sign up via here.

Dementia Australia

Dementia Australia

Dementia Australia (formerly known as Alzheimer’s Australia) is the peak, non-profit organisation for people with dementia and their families and carers. Dementia Australia represent more than 459,000 Australians living with dementia and the estimated 1.6 million...