AUDACIOUS – The Auditory Ageing Study
Researchers at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) and The University of New South Wales are studying how adults experience declines in their hearing, how this interferes with communication and their day-to-day lives.
What are the main aims of the study?
The aim of the study is to see how declines in hearing that occur with age affect communications, social participation and brain health. We are also interested in studying the relationship between age-related hearing decline and cognitive abilities in older adults.
What does it involve for a participant?
If you are interested in this study you will be invited to our study site at NeuRA in Randwick to complete a two-hour interview. The interview will include testing of your hearing and cognitive functioning, including app-based activities testing memory, learning and attention. You will also be asked to complete a questionnaire about your general health, hearing and daily lifestyle.
You will also be reimbursed $30 on the day for your participation.
How long is the study for?
The study is a one-time visit and takes 2 hours to complete.
What do you hope the outcomes of the study will be?
We hope to use the findings from this study to improve scientific knowledge of how hearing declines with age and how this affects the social lives, cognitive functioning, and mental health of middle-age and older adults. We anticipate our findings will have implications for the way in which audiologists, other health professionals, and care workers provide treatment, care, and advice to persons who are experiencing adult onset hearing difficulties.
Where is the study based?
The study will take place at our labs at NeuRA, located at 139 Barker St, Randwick NSW 2031.
Who can take part?
You may be eligible to participate in our research if:
– You are 65 years of age or older.
– Are able to make your own way to our interview site at NeuRA.
– You have not experienced lifelong hearing problems since childhood or early adulthood.
– You do not need to have hearing difficulties to participate in the study.