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Category: In the news
Achieving Personalised Dementia Care for Rural Australians

Achieving Personalised Dementia Care for Rural Australians

No two people experience dementia in the same way. The expression of dementia depends on the cause of the condition and the parts of the brain that are affected. Hence, it is important to take a personalised approach to dementia care that focuses on the unique needs...

COVID-19 and the Impact on Individuals with Dementia

COVID-19 and the Impact on Individuals with Dementia

The world has changed since coronavirus became known in late 2019. The way we work, shop, travel and gather has had a huge overhaul. People experiencing dementia have not escaped this change. COVID-19 has implications for people with dementia, both directly in terms...

Hopes that Aspirin might Delay Dementia are Dashed

Hopes that Aspirin might Delay Dementia are Dashed

Cardiovascular issues are a key risk factor for dementia. Because aspirin can be beneficial for those who have had heart attack, some studies have suggested that it may also be beneficial to the brain. Scientists have hypothesised that aspirin may reduce the risk of...

Using Technology to Bring Smiles to People with Dementia

Using Technology to Bring Smiles to People with Dementia

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, tough calls are being made to protect our most vulnerable from COVID-19. For many people over the age of 70 years old, this means strong recommendations to self- isolate at home for as long as practicable. These measures are...

European Dementia Rates set to Double by 2050

European Dementia Rates set to Double by 2050

The prevalence rate of dementia, or the proportion of people living with dementia, is decreasing.  Yet, the number of people with dementia is set to double by 2050, according to a new Alzheimer Europe report out last week[1].A Needed Numbers Update Over the past three...

What Your Walk Says About You and Your Brain

What Your Walk Says About You and Your Brain

There are many different types of dementia, depending on the underlying cause. Each cause can damage the brain in different ways. New research out of the UK suggests that these differences may reveal themselves in the way that people walk[1].Different Types of...

Hopes that Aspirin might Delay Dementia are Dashed

Dementia Vaccine on the Cusp of Human Trials

A dementia vaccine developed by Flinders University Professor Nikolai Petrovsky has been successfully shown to “work” in mice genetically programmed to develop dementia.Harnessing the immune response Dementia is thought to be the result of the build-up of two...

Does Air Pollution Damage our Brains? #AustraliaBurns

Does Air Pollution Damage our Brains? #AustraliaBurns

Air quality readings across Australia are at concerning levels right now in the wake of the bushfires. Known as PM2.5, rates of particle matter smaller than 2.5 micrometres are easy to inhale and can cause health problems. A new study suggests that these tiny...

Using Technology to Bring Smiles to People with Dementia

Eyes as a potential window to Alzheimer’s Disease

Australian scientists have used specialised eye scanning technology to detect changes in the retina that could be indicative of early Alzheimer’s Disease.Lost Opportunities for Early Intervention The presence of clumps of beta-amyloid protein in the brain is an...