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Category: In the news
Delaying Dementia Before We Can See It

Delaying Dementia Before We Can See It

The highest likelihood for successful treatment of dementia may be in the early or preclinical stages of the condition, when an individual does not show any symptoms but has beta-amyloid, or toxic protein clumps in the brain thought to cause dementia.  Determining the...

Supporting People with Dementia in their Decision-Making

Supporting People with Dementia in their Decision-Making

Making decisions about our lives and having these respected is an essential human right; and whilst this can sometimes be more difficult when a person has dementia, there are many things that can be done to help. Researchers at the universities of Western Australia...

Vitamin B Supplements show no obvious benefit to brain health

Vitamin B Supplements show no obvious benefit to brain health

The B vitamins are often linked to brain health. They help to break down an amino acid in our blood called homocysteine, which contributes to cell ageing and to the build-up of amyloid and tau proteins in the brain associated with greater dementia risk. We know a rare...

Supporting People with Dementia in their Decision-Making

Loneliness Linked to a Higher Risk of Dementia

One in four Australian adults are lonely 1.  Loneliness is a feeling of distress we experience when our social relations are not the way we would like. It has been linked to poor mental health, and an increased risk for physical health conditions comparable to smoking...

Moments of Clarity in Dementia; an Opportunity for New Research and Hope

Low scam awareness in older adults related to dementia

Do you usually listen to what telemarketers have to say?  Do you believe that if something sounds too good to be true, that it usually is? These were two of five questions presented to 935 dementia-free 76-86 year old research participants living in Chicago, and then...

Australian dementia rates have dropped

Australian dementia rates have dropped

Dementia rates among older Australians accessing home or long-term care services are declining according to a large-scale evaluation undertaken by the SAHMRI-based Registry of Older South Australians. Using the largest sample of people accessing aged care services in...